+St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church+ +Українська Православна Церква Св. Івана Хрестителя+
31 Bloor St East, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada L1H3L9
+Ecumenical Patriarchate+ +Вселенський Патріархат+
Недільна Школа 2023 Sunday School

Цього 2023-го року Божого ми відновили роботу Недільної Школи у нашій церкві. Люди виявили велику зацікавленість у цьому проєкті, і тому кількість діточок невпинно зростає! Дякуємо за гарну роботу нашим чудовим - Джейн Пфейл і Добродійці Наталії Ценовій, а також Анні Кобиляцькій за її готовність завжди допомогти!

This 2023 A.D. we have resumed the work of the Sunday School in our church. People have shown great interest in this project, and therefore the number of children is constantly growing! Thank you for the good work to our wonderful people - Jane Pfeil and Dobrodiyka Nataliya Tsenova, as well as Anna Kobilaski for her willingness to always help!

Our Parish Youth
Our Parish Youth Group
Our Parish Youth Group
Our Parish Youth Group
On Our Corn Maze Adventure
On Our Corn Maze Adventure
On Our Corn Maze Adventure
Bringing Christmas Joy
Bringing Christmas Joy
Bringing Christmas Joy

Our parish is blessed with a wonderful youth group.  Our older youth are organized under the auspices of CYMK/Ukrainian Orthodox Youth, and as such often participate in common events throughout the Greater Toronto Area.  In addition, we regularly host retreats and other spiritual, social, and service events and activities here in Oshawa.

Our younger children are benefitted by Sunday School lessons and participation in age-appropriate events along with our older youth, including Christmas Caroling for our older or infirm parishioners, pysanka writing workshops, etc.

Our older youth are very involed in both the parish as well as the community at large.  Every year they take part in the "Coldest Night" walkathon and the "Ride for Refuge," and they also volutneer at St. John the Compassionate Mission, an Orthodox Christian outreach to the homeless and marginalized in Toronto.  All the youth help out in church, and help organize and run our advent and lenten activities, serve at parish meals, etc.  A favourite event of everyone is our annual celebration in honour of Holy Father Nicholas on December 18th.

The greatest joy of our parish is that our youth actively participate in our liturgical life, reading and singing in the choir, serving in the altar, and helping out wherever and whenever needed.

We are proud of our youth, who actively work to make our parish, our community, and our world a better place.

Upcoming Services
Sunday, January 19
30th Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy *
Monday, January 20
3-8 PM House
Tuesday, January 21
3-8 PM House